Tag Archives: maine sailing

Throwback Thursday – Groucho Love

Timberwind Moves to Belfast!

One calm Sunday in April, the crew of the Riggin and the Timberwind moved our new pretty schooner up Penobscot Bay to her new home in Belfast, Maine.  The day started calm and then picked up to a feisty 25 knots of breeze on the beam, but for a spring day in Maine, this is […]

Sailing Our Tiny Schooner

Because our fall was so incredibly warm, we were able to take Iolaire, our cute new schooner, out for a test drive before we put her away for the winter.  The day was our last gorgeous, warm, fall day.  At first when she heeled, I had this instinctive reaction of a little clench in my […]

Welcome to Our Fleet, Schooner Timberwind!

Merry Christmas to us! All summer long Jon and I could see the Schooner Timberwind from the deck of the Riggin.  We would say to each other that someone should buy that boat.  She’s so pretty.  She deserves a new life.  But when we said “someone” we were NOT meaning us. However, life had other […]

Iolaire – We Bought a Tiny Schooner

We’d like to introduce you to the newest boat in our fleet.  Meet Iolaire (pronounced yawl’-a-rah), which means “eagle” in Gaelic. She is a Scottish sixern, a Shetland Island fishing boat.  The sixern is descended from the Norse seksæring, meaning six-oared boat – ancestor of the schooner. Iolaire only has four oars and is a standing […]

June Sailing and Maine Wildlife

This has been an amazing couple of weeks for wildlife which has reminded me how much affection I have for sailing during the month of June. The eider ducks have hatched and the non-descript brown feathered mama ducks are leading their flocks of five to seven identical hued ducklings wiggling and scurrying around behind her.  […]

Joy the Baker and Use Real Butter Bloggers Come to Maine

Before they came to us to sail for 4 days, bloggers  Joy Wilson of Joy the Baker and Jen Yu of use real butter ate at El Rayo, Ten Apple Farm, In Good Company  and last but not least, Fore Street.  They cook, they write recipes, they write books, they blog about food and they […]