Tag Archives: Gardening

Mint Sun Tea – The Rhythm of Mother Nature

I’m not going to lie, there was a time early this spring when I briefly thought that the summer garden might not happen this year.  Literally, just might not grow.  Of course that was but a moment and I trust the natural rhythm of life too much to really have believed it, however, it was […]

Rhubarb Champagne Jam

While there isn’t much time for anything in between trips, I do try to squeeze in a smidge to process jam that we make on the boat.  I’ll make a big batch there and then bring it home to process in a water bath.  While it’s an effort to do it, I’m always so grateful […]

New Compost Bins from Shipping Pallets

  After coming home from a trip to witness no less than 30 seagulls feasting on our out-of-control compost pile, some fist shaking ensued and then some head scratching.  How could we compost the many and weekly 5 gallon buckets of vegetables scraps that come off the Riggin all summer long and have the compost […]

Holy Moly Wood Chips!

I pulled into my driveway to the sight of this HUGE pile of wood chips!  These are for yet another garden expansion with the chips layered over newspaper or office paper to become the pathways in the free form beds.  Last year, we installed about 500 square feet of free form garden space which held […]

Hypocracy Reigns Supreme

The sun was bright and high in the sky as I turned the compost pile today.  I find few things more satisfying for releasing aggression (not that I have any, of course) than turning a pile of garden refuse, kitchen waste and office paper into food for the garden.  As I stuck my pitchfork into […]

Bentwood Frame

Bentwood fences and arbors are easy to make.  Especially when you have as many trees on your property as we do.  There are general guidelines for wood that is better to use in certain applications, but like many things I do, I just create using what I have on hand. This frame will become the […]

Dirty House

The house smells like dirt and I’m happy.  The seedlings are doing well and so far I haven’t forgotten to water once.  Well, except for the little plugs of single-flowered Lemon Gem marigold that I left in the tray because they weren’t big enough to transplant into larger trays with all the rest of the […]

Seedlings – A good start

There’s still snow on the ground and when I wake up in the morning the sky is still inky black, the floor is cold enough to require at least one pair of socks and I’m still wearing three layers when I sit at my desk to write.  But… it’s officially spring.  Which mostly makes me […]